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Can ego get in the way goals for competing in the World Transplant Games?

Keeping true to my previous blog ‘When ego gets in the way’, I will update you on my progress with wanting to compete in The World Transplant Games, now less than three months away.

As planned. I had my reverse shoulder replacement done at the end of March last year.

Being told that if I did anything to this replacement, there would be nothing they could do to repair it. This was the last chance for having a usable shoulder.

Being told I could never lift anything heavier than 5 kgs, as it would long term destroy the surgery, I needed to look after it very carefully. I was determined not to let my alter ego Zena warrior woman get the better of me this time.

A careful and slow recovery was my motto. Only doing exactly what the physio told me I could do. I wanted the best long-term outcome, along with still being able to compete in the World Transplant Games a year away.

Back into the walking lanes at the pool, I kept a tight rein on Zena and allowed proper time for my shoulder to heal. Focusing more on my range of movement with stretches. Especially with an anatomically reversed joint, there are obviously mechanical restriction that the joint can move in.

One setback after another

I waded my time until I was ready to swim again. In that time I also was dealing with other emotional setbacks and struggles, which then affects the physical body. I am not going into all of the details but let’s just say that I felt like my Zena warrior  Woman had turned into a Rice Power Granny, that had gone low carb!

I felt as if I were a hundred years old and my body just didn’t want to work.

Picture of Colleen swimmer powering down the lanes of a swimming pool.

Every time I got back into the water to start again, another ailment or injury happened. I just kept seeing my dream of competing in the World Transplant Games slipping further and further away.

Self-doubt set in and when the mind weakens, my body follows suit.  The mind, spirit and physical body truly has to be connected for one to function properly, especially for me. When one aspect goes out, Then the downward spiral into the rabbit hole begins.

Prioritising goal purpose

I was at the point where I needed to decide if to give the whole idea of going to the games away, as there were not any other events I could compete in with my vision restrictions and joint issues in my hands. The mental anguish was pulling me further down.

The reason was not because I wanted to win an event , well perhaps I had been creating visualisations with me winning some gold medals, Zena still keeps coming in to have her five cents worth! but I was so anticipating in being part of the World Transplant Games community, having a sense of comradery and belonging was what I emotionally needed. I wanted to be a proud member of the transplant tribe and celebrate in the wonderful gift that we all share, the gift of life.

Showing the donor families and friends how much their gift is appreciated and that we are all doing the best we can to make the most out of our precious life.

Picture of Calleen in full running gear powrering down a country lane in the summer.

I have had to readjust my mindset of what I thought people expected of me. Being that strong, resilient, determined person that when sets her mind to achieve something, she makes it happen.

I have come to realise that is only what I thought people expected of me or more what I expected of myself to be. Coming to terms that I am enough just for being me, is the lesson I am currently learning. Universe certainly has ways of slowing you down to make you sit and go within yourself to try and discover who you really are without all of your expectations and labels you identify yourself as.

Goal reset for the World Transplant Games

My goal for The World Transplant Games is to still put my name down for a few swimming races.

My training for the next ten weeks will be steady and careful, keeping Zena Warrior Woman in check while my rice power Granny starts eating some rice again and build her energy up slowly.

My real focus is now on enjoying the anticipation of proudly marching with my Australian Transplant Tribe, along with fellow world recipients into Optus Stadium. Meeting other recipients from around the world and making new friendships and exchanging stories with one another. Having fun at the social events that are to be held and knowing that whatever I do in my events will be the best that I can do on the day.

Picture of participants on the skywalk of Optus Stadium in harness and connected to safety roped.

Sometimes we set goals for ourselves that we think once I achieve it, I have proven to the world that I can do anything and am important. The problem with this is that you are not really trying to prove it to other people but to yourself. Until you can come to the point when you realise that you are enough simply by being here on earth, then inner happiness will never be reached.

That can be a hard lesson for most of us to learn. Especially me.

So my fellow travellers, share   along with me to dare bravely in being vulnerable  in how you feel and know that you are enough just by being yourself. Don’t look up to other people or compare yourself to anyone else  and drop any expectations you may be putting on things as that will only bring you misery.

Just be whoever it is you want yourself to be, no matter whatever anyone else thinks.

So long as you know that you are doing  the best to your greatest capability, that is all that anyone, including yourself can expect and be proud of.

To find out more about the World Transplant Games (WTG), please click on the link below. I would love to have as many of my fellow travellers to come along and celebrate the biggest  donor organ and tissue awareness event in the world and it is right here in Perth, 15 – 21 April.

Next time I will celebrate Valentine’s Day with you
and see what cupid has to say when he shoots his arrow of love!

Thankyou for joining me once again.

I would love to hear from you via email or
my Colleen Ashby Author Facebook page.

Tell me what you would like me to talk about. I am here for you my
fellow travellers and want to know what you enjoy reading.

Until next time…

A day back in medieval times - Let your imagination loose as Rhian and I take you on our special journey back to medieval days, where danger lurked, and black knights rescued fair maidens.

Let your imagination loose as Rhian and I take you on our special journey back to medieval days, where danger lurked, and black knights rescued fair maidens.

Time travel back

PIcture of Colleen at the Medieval festival of Guildford,standing next to a smiling gentleman with a re-white costume on.

It was an ominous Sunday when Rhian and I were transported back through time to a place called Stirling Square in Guildford. A Market place was where we were headed but this was no ordinary common market. As we strolled through this magical Trellis walkway, covered in ancient purple wisteria, we were somehow transported back in time!

Before us were villagers and peasants dressed in period clothing from days of yore. Maidens in beautiful long dresses and tunics, with several wearing fashioned hats of that era. Men wore attire suited for the roles they played back in the fifteen hundreds. It was indeed a sight to be seen. Various entertainers and court jesters played a merry jig and sang funny ditty’s through folk songs around the village green.

Markets of yesteryear

As Rhian led me through this quizzical place, commoners and peasant folk were busily selling their wares and goods, trying to make a living.

I chanced upon a fair maiden who was selling finely hand-crafted leather hats and goods, which would surely stand the test of time.

Picture of Colleen at the Medieval festival of Guildford,standing next to a beautifull lady in a medival styl turqoise dress.
Guildford Medieval festival seller of hats, horns and other wares.

My focus was drawn to the sound of clanging metal and tapping of iron as it gives way to the solid and foreboding blacksmith, yielding the red-hot glowing metal into his desired shape by beating it with his hefty hammer. It was certainly hard laborious work back then.

Guildford Medieval festival Blacksmith making iron wares.

A Medieval battle

Our attention was drawn to a duel and then battle that was to be held in the town quarter. Onlookers watched as the opponents came together to fight for their cause and justification.

Weapons and tools of varying types were being swung and cast upon one another. Yells and battle cries echoed across the land. Even maidens, or more correctly wenches, were called to action! Yes, even back then women fought for their rights and for justice to prevail!

PIcture of a batlle scene at the Guildford Medieval festival.
PIcture of a batlle scene with people in sword fight at the Guildford Medieval festival.

The Black Knight

PIcture of Colleen next to a huge black knight in leather costume at the Guildford Medieval festival.

Travelling away from the dangerous battle, Rhian led me toward a large, curious figure standing still and silent.

Luckily for me, I chanced a safety charm that Merlin the Wizard must have put on me as I was meandering through the village. For unbeknownst to me, this black figure was indeed the black knight.

Known in history for masking his identity, using this anonymity for misdeeds, along with the occasional maiden rescue or fighting a fiery dragon. Still safely cloaked with Merlin’s spell, I gathered enough courage to stand next to this intimidating character.

The Roman Empire

Making our way back through time, we were fortunate to chance across some helpful Roman Soldiers, who thought Rhian and I were in peril with the Black Knight.

Offering us lodging for the night and some food in the Roman quarters before we set off on our journey once more.

Both Rhian and I being of strong stature, thanked the chivalrous Roman soldiers and went on our way.

PIcture of 2 gentleman dressed in roman costume at the Guildford Medieval festival.

Time to come back

Time travel is certainly exhausting for both the mind and body. Taking in the new surroundings, way of living and being in peril with life threatening fights. Spells being cast and coming face to face with the Black Knight, is more adventure in one day that I am used to. Let alone, poor Rhian. She was truly brave as she led me through the bustling fascination of colours, costumes and sounds scattered throughout the day.

We followed our noses that led us to the village cooking area. Taking a well-deserved rest and eating some tasty gruel from the cooking pot, while listening to a merry jig, we regained enough strength to get transported back to the future of present day.

The End

Thank you for being brave enough to travel back in time with me and share in my adventure. Please let me know if you enjoy these adventures or contact me if there is any thing in particular that you would like to ask me.

I am here to share insights into my life and tools I use to help me stay in a good mindset. A comment on my face book page under the corresponding post would be great, or email me on this website.

I do appreciate and love your company.

Next time, I will take you on that blind date that I promised you.

A super special and extremely exciting event is happening in Perth next year. The World Transplant Games is coming down under and I am so thrilled to be part of it.

A super special and extremely exciting event is happening in Perth next year. The Transplant World Games is coming down under and I am so thrilled to be part of it.

The countdown is on

Picture of a large billboard with text "World Transplant Games 2023 coming to Perth".

With only six months to go until the start of the games, a social media promotion was arranged.

The Transplant Games are the greatest gift of all, the gift of life. It is the worlds’ largest organ and tissue awareness event.

It carries a powerful message to encourage people to register as donors, as more than 1700 Australians are waiting for a transplant.

The Transplant Games are a way to thank the donors who made transplantation possible. It also encourages recipients to lead an active and healthy lifestyle post transplantation.

A Vertigo Experience

Picture of Colleen being strapped in to start her vertigo challenge  with a big smile and her hands up.
Picture of Colleen and dog Rhian high above Optus Stadium in harness about to go on the Vertigo Challenge.

As one of the faces of the Transplant Games, I was lucky enough to go up to the roof top of Optus Stadium and do the Vertigo ozone Experience.

I have always been an adrenalin seeker and will take any opportunity to try something challenging, especially if it contains a thrill component to it! I was quite surprised to find that I was about the only one that felt that way. I thought everyone would love to hang out, feeling free as the wind forty-two metres up in the air but apparently not?! Strange, I thought.

Picture of group with harnesses on waving at the camera and Optus Stadium in background.

Hanging out at Optus Stadium

All seven World Transplant Games Thrill seekers got harnessed up ready to go out on a limb and hang by a thread. Well perhaps I am being a little dramatic here, there were three very secure and strong ropes keeping us safe.

Making our way out on the narrow walkway that hovered over the grassed area, with no railing either side to hang on too. That was when the hands began to grip those ropes tightly, well for most anyway. For me however, my alter ego Zena Warrior Woman came out flaunting her fearless feminine nature.

Zena went straight into laying horizontally out, arms and legs freely hanging like a star fish drifting through the water. It felt free and easy floating mid-air, eyes closed with the sun radiating warmly down on my face.

I got shaken back to reality when the rest of the thrill seekers were telling me to stop showing off my calm and fearless persona and making them look bad!

Picture of Colleen hanging in harness totally off the platform with arms and legs spread hanging in balance.

Everyone had a go at leaning straight over front ways and to look down at the ground if they dared, then to hangout backwards with arms out. For those who were brave enough, the grand finale was to hang upside down like spiderman. Naturally, I just swung upside down and lifted my legs and wrapped them around the rope in true Zena style.

Funny, Chris Thomas, CEO of Transplant Australia, and World Transplant Games Federation President, jovially chuckled and yelled out “Colleen, we don’t like you anymore!” I took that as a real compliment, the others were not feeling as courageous as the ultimate bold and brave Zena and was just too much for them!

First Assistance Dog on Optus Stadium Roof Top

Picture of Rhian and Colleen high above the stadium on the platform.

Rhian also showed off her courageous nature, as she paved the way where no dogs had ventured before. It took a few days to find out if she    were allowed to go up on the ozone walkway as it would be setting a precedence, never been requested prior. Like Neil Armstrong being the first man to walk on the moon, Rhian was the first dog to walk on the rooftop platform! She certainly makes for the perfect partner for Zena warrior woman, two fearless divas walking side by side.

Rhian had no issues at all about walking around up on the 42-metre-high platform, but she certainly didn’t like it one bit when I went out on the vertigo walkway. She whined, fidgeted, and showed her discontent as she watched me doing tricks out in mid-air.

My friend Deb holding her had quite a time trying to console Rhian. I guess it’s only natural that a power diva duo team like us always needs to be by one another’s side.

Ceremony for the world Transplant Games

Back on terra firma, Rhian and I had a video interview, along with some group photos. Then a delicious morning tea was arranged overlooking the river.

Picture of celebreties and Colleen and Rhian in front of billboard saying "Greatest Gift Perth 2023".
Picture of Colleen being interviewed.

After a short break, the official ceremony began with several prominent people giving their speeches. Chris Thomas interviewed me, along with a fellow transplant competitor.

For full details about the day and the World Transplant Games, please click the link on the right. Please take some time to go through it in detail.

Who is a 6PR radio star

For the big finale of the day, Deb had to race me over to 6PR radio station for an interview.

It was my first time in an actual radio station and was quite unexciting experience. Sitting on a tall chair with a large microphone hanging in front of me and a set of headphones.

Several other similar workstations were placed around a large round table.

Steve Mills or ‘Millsy’ as he is commonly known, sat opposite me preparing for our interview. Rhian laid down next to me and slept through the whole thing.

PIcture of Colleen in the studio about to be interviewed by Millsy or Steve Mills.

Afterwards we had some photos taken with Millsy, for me to put up on my wall of fame. So far this is the first photo to go up there!

Afterwards we had some photos taken with Millsy, for me to put up on my wall of fame. So far this is the first photo to go up there!

Fame is exhausting

After a tiring day, Deb and I had some lunch, and both gave a sigh of relief. I loved every moment of the day from start to finish. Zena being able to come out and flaunt her fearless antics, Rhian paving the way where no dog has gone before. Interviews, photos and constantly on call, to having to rush off to become a radio star, is exhausting.

Now I know how the celebrities feel doing their gigs. Well, perhaps again a little exaggeration here but I have to entertain the idea of my five minutes of fame while it lasts!

Picture of massive billboard and people sitting in front listning to the speaker.

Thank you once more for coming together and joining in on my Peacock Tale.

I do appreciate and love your company.

Next time I am taking you out on a blind date to the movies with me!

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