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When Santa gets a Christmas wish from Rhian my seeing eye dog and a special kiss to go with it.

When Santa gets a Christmas wish from Rhian my seeing eye dog and a special kiss to go with it.

Picture of Collen Asby's seeing eye dog Rhian with a blow up Santa on a Harley.

As another year comes to an end, I would like to wish you my fellow travellers, a sincere and heartfelt Christmas wish.

A wish that is filled with joy, laughter, happy times with loved ones and most of all a wish for you to have true inner peace. I would also like to express my gratitude and appreciation to you, for without my readers, I would have no one to write and share my life with.

It is because of you that I get to share my passion of telling stories and hopefully giving you a little light-hearted reprieve from your everyday life, even if only for a few minutes.

Getting in the Christmas Spirit

For some Christmas can be a time of stress and anxiety. Relationship issues, financial matters, childhood memories that are not so kind a time of loneliness, drug and alcohol problems or simply finding enough time to do things. If you’re one of the lucky ones that look forward to the festive season, that is absolutely wonderful but please give some thought and help in any way you feel possible to support those less fortunate.
Christmas is really about giving and sharing love and good intentions to others, without expecting anything in return. Giving without expecting any reciprocation is the true art of giving. We are all so materialistically wired in the western world, that most of us forget the true purpose of Christmas. Celebrating family, time with loved ones and enjoying a meal together. A time of peace for one another, where we put all mends aside and see each other as fellow brothers and sisters.
Even during World War 2, men put their guns and arms aside and made peace with the enemy, if only for that day.
Think about that when family feuding or any issue of disagreement arises. Put it aside for the day and get to know the other person as if you were meeting them for the very first time. Try it and see how well it works.

The Grinch

Every family has one. You know what I mean?

The Grinch of the family and some may have more than one (namely me!). If you are one of those Grinches, all I can say is Christmas is happening anyway whether you like it or not, so you may as well just suck it up and get on with the big old jolly fellow’s program!

Even if you’re not feeling it, just put on that silly Christmas Tee-shirt or hand-knitted jumper that Aunt Sally sent to you, sing along to the annoying Christmas carols, and leave your grumpy frown behind for the day.

PIcture f a Christmas trail with trees left and right in a shop.

The Christmas Spirit is far too strong for you to try and snuff out and much to your dismay, everyone else is still going to have a wonderful time. So, my fellow Grinches, leave this Christmas alone and enjoy yourself for a change and keep saying “Hum Bug!” under your breath.

Can a seeing – eye dog visit Santa Claus

Colleen Ashby and seeing eye dog Rhian in a christmas gift centre.

With getting well into the Christmas spirit, I decided to take Rhian to visit Santa Claus. I hadn’t gone to see Santa, since my boys were young (and that was quite some years ago now!).

As we walked through the Christmas wonderland entrance to Santa’s sleigh, I could feel Rhian getting excited with anticipation. I am sure this would be her first time getting up close and personal with the big old jolly fellow in a bright red suit.

Santa inviting Rhian to jump up and sit close to him was simply too much for her to restrain herself. She had to lean right in and start telling Santa what she wanted for Christmas.

He in return leant close to her making sure he got everything she was telling him on her list.

I am fairly sure, I know what she was asking for and I think a big juicy bone would have been top of the list, followed by a new frisbee and maybe a squeaky soft toy!

I also feel it maybe the first time Santa has taken a wish from a seeing – eye dog! A new experience to talk to his elves about over a hot chocolate together.

Colleen Ashby's seeing eye dog Rhian in a store on a christmas sled with santa kissing him.

A time of reflection

A really important thing to do as the year draws to a close, is to reflect on everything you have accomplished throughout the year. Even if you are not a real goal setter, it is important for your mental wellbeing. You may be asking why?

For the simple fact it brings closure and focuses on just exactly what you have achieved and do have in your life. It is easy for one to think that they don’t have much or have done anything important and a downward outlook on your circumstances can rapidly decline out of perspective.

When you go through and list everything down from the beginning of the year, you will see that you have achieved a lot to appreciate in your life.

Simple things such as creating and maintaining good relationships, staying connected with people, working a job or how you have contributed to benefit others. Showing up to improving your Health or what you have done to take care of yourself. Anything goes on the list.

The more you begin writing down, the more accounts of what you have achieved and have in your life will flourish. Before you know it, you are feeling fantabulous and ready to start the New Year with your best foot forward

Until Next Year

I hope you will join me again in 2023 for another year of Peacock Tales. I have loved writing for you and would love any feedback or a message from you simply wanting to say hello and introduce yourself. If there is anything in particular that you would like me to spread light on, let me know.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2023! Stay safe and take time out to relax, breathe and focus on the good stuff.

Colleen Ashby's, seeing eye dog Rhian, and samta in a store on a christmas sled having fun.

I do appreciate and love your company.

Next time, I will take you on that blind date that I promised you.

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