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Do people really feel different when a life changing event happens to them? Here I share my personal insights from becoming legally blind.

Do you feel the same person that you were before?

Lovely picture of colleen in front of a painting with a white faded border

Just recently, I was asked a question requiring some deep reflective thought. It was after I had finished playing a much-enjoyed game of blind canasta with friends.

They were Hon’s (aka Sharon) best friends. even though we all knew one another at a personal level through Hon, we had never met or interacted with one another. These friends were also great fans of canasta, so after Hon explaining to them how we play, they decided to give it ago.

Apprehension with meeting someone with a disability

Initially a bit apprehensive as to how I would be, what do they have to do around me, and all of those familiar frequent questions people have when meeting someone with a disability is encountered. Hon reassuring them that I can take a joke and give back as much as I get and certainly never takes offense at anything, our Grande maiden introduction was arranged.

Questions about being legally blind and having a heart transplant

Picture of colleen with a cocktail in her hand and her guide dog by her side.

The game was filled with an extreme amount of politically incorrect language and comments. Being endearingly nickname Helen Keller, even though I assured them I had no problem with hearing or talking, I enjoyed this extremely humorous banter. It was not only me, but derogatory comments and insults were flying around the room to one another, echoed with raptures of laughter. Intermingled with playing the game, they had curiosities about how I do things and life now in general. Open and happy to share insights of my life now with not only having a heart transplant but waking up legally blind from it.

I told them funny stories of things that have happened with learning my new normal as blind, they were both intrigued and grateful while having a good laugh for my openness and honesty. I also enjoy sharing these insights with people, as I too Had never met anyone who had been transplanted or was blind before me. I also would be curios myself if in their position.

Soul searching questions

Then checking if I minded being asked a personal question, he inquired if I feel like the same person I was before all this happened?

My initial response was to blurt out, that of course I did. I am still the same old Colleen I was before. Wanting to be truthful and open, I paused for a moment to check in with myself before opening my mouth. I had never been asked this question and I didn’t want to simply just brush it off as something of no importance. That would not be authentic or true to myself, nor would it shed real light for others to understand the significance of such a life changing event. In that pause, I searched deep inside trying to find my truth.

My response was “At first, I thought I was the same old Colleen that I was before. I jumped quickly into normal mode with getting on as if nothing had happened. Learning to do the things I had previously done, going out with friends, and getting on with life as best I could. I thought people would treat me exactly the same as before I was back in the game of life and never made an issue of it. I never expected people to not want to interact with me or to walk by quickly obviously hoping I wouldn’t notice them and engage in an uncomfortable conversation. When I would go to shopping centres with friends, they would always comment on the stares that people gave me. It didn’t bother me as I couldn’t see them, but whoever was with me, got upset by it.

The emotional impact of not receiving social cues

After a while, I also began to feel that I was something unusual to be looked at and treated differently. I don’t get the facial or body language feedback that tells us what people are expressing, the social cues are not there. Not knowing if someone is smiling, frowning, crying, angry or even interested when engaging with me. I didn’t understand the significance of this for quite some time or how it was impacting me emotionally, it gives you a sense of alienation, a feeling of not belonging in the norm of social acceptance. It’s a strange feeling but I do feel unconnected from others without this subtle but crucial feedback.

Acceptance of change

I have come to accept that things are not the same, nor am I the same old Colleen that I was prior, That’s not a bad or negative thing, it’s simply different. I do things differently now and life has opened in other ways for me, and I am loving my new me.”

With that, I found itself empowering and healing with accepting and expressing to them how I truly feel. There is nothing wrong with that for it simply is what it is.

If you are feeling alienated, not fitting in to where you were before. Don’t try and fight it or make it the way it was. Accept where you are and what has bought you to this point and try to integrate and understand what you are feeling. Often once we acknowledge the situation and can tell someone else about it, then healing and a chance to move forward in life can happen. Even journaling about how you are feeling can release tremendous stress and emotions that simply need to be acknowledged.

It's ok to feel different

No matter what the circumstance is that has brought you to this point in life, remember it’s ok to not have to feel the same as you were before. You now have a wonderful opportunity to reinvent yourself and journey down a new path in life and be excited about what adventures are installed for you. Invite the unknown and unfamiliar in and be open to opportunities that come your way. Let go of your old patterns and ways to invite new beginnings in. Shine your light and become the change you want to see in the world.

Thankyou for joining me and reading my Peacock Tale. I look forward to being with you again sharing stories and insights.

Next time I am taking a stroll down memory lane when I went on an outing to Araluen tulip festival. Be sure not to miss this stunning encounter of the beautiful display of tulips and the gorgeous grounds.

With love and no regrets

Colleen Ashby

Learn more? I highly viting the following website; Vision Australia, What is mental Health, Transplant Australia

Wondered what challenges a legally blind person on a catching public transport could have? I present a blind challenge to achieve a goal!

I would like to share with you my fellow travellers, a story of me wanting to retain my feisty independent way of being, when a bit of patience would have served me far better.

Some may call me stubborn, or pig headed with my determination to soldier on ahead with trying to achieve my goals, I call it being focused on what needs to be done to attain it.

Sometimes however the trials and tribulations involved in ones’ endeavour to do so, can be quite over whelming.

Filled with enthusiasm and zest for wanting to keep the ball rolling toward my goal, I decided to take on this task by myself.

Picture of Colleen sitting on a garden seat with her dog Rhian in front of her.

My friend who usually helps me with things, was not available for another two days and Mum had medical appointments, along with the day planned to execute this job was going to be a bright sunny day. The weather forecast was important as being wintertime the days had been filled with rain. My friend telling me to wait until she was available to help, my enthusiastic response was “Don’t worry, it will be an adventure.”

A newfound confidence

I had just launched my second book “Ya gotta laugh” and was eager to get it on the local bookstores shelf. My destination was a shop in Fremantle, hours’ drive from where I live. I knew how to find it once I was in Fremantle, it was the commute there that was my challenge. I am not particularly familiar with catching trains or buses but had recently found a newfound confidence since participating in a cooking class in Perth with Vision Australia. I had no problem with catching the bus into the Elizabeth Quay station in the city and then the train along the Mandurah line. That however was the extent of my public transport experience.

I recalled a cooking participant telling me to get to Fremantle, all I had to do was catch the Fremantle line from the city and the train stops right there. ‘Simple,’ I thought. ‘I can do that ‘was what I reassuringly told myself. ‘How wrong could I go with that? Yep, I’ve got this ‘was my confident self-talk.

Confident like a strutting rooster

Rising early as I needed two hours travel time to get to Fremantle, along with a twenty-minute walk from my place to the bus that only runs every hour into the city, I didn’t want to miss the bus. With my book in hand, and ready to walk out of the door, I had a little brainwave. I contacted a friend that lived in Fremantle and asked if she was available to have a coffee catch up while I was down there? Her excited response was that she would meet me at the train station for a coffee, after I had dropped the book off at the shop. Yep, I was showing her how independent and confident I was in engaging on such big tasks. I felt like I was strutting like a rooster, chest puffed out, tail feathers held high and proud, owning my stuff.

Nearly missing the bus and having to frantically wave it down to stop again, At least I had Rhian by myside who makes for a good visual attraction. Rhian and I safely on the bus, we were on our way to starting our adventure. Rhian knew exactly where to take me to get me to the train station. Confidently strutting our stuff together through the bus port and down to the train station, we boarded the train in no time at all. Settling down for a forty-minute ride, all was well.

When the rooster feathers fall out

Hearing the names of the stops along the way, my brain began thinking how do I actually get to Fremantle from one of these stations ? Alarm bells began ringing as the names being announced were well past my destination point. When I heard Rockingham announced, the bells were really clanging in my head. I was a Half an hour’s drive further south from Fremantle! As I alighted from the train, I asked a passenger if they knew how to get to Fremantle from here. They had no idea bit would help me find someone to assist me. Now in the hands of a trusty transit guard, he told me that I had to catch the train all the way back into the city station, one stop past Elizabeth Quay.

Then go to platform seven and catch the Fremantle line. To get back to where I had to catch my bus on my return trip, I would have to go back to the city station, go to platform two to get back to Elizabeth quay. It was at this point that all of my fluffed-up rooster feathers not only drooped down but completely fell out. It was then that I remembered the cooking participant telling me that I had to catch the Fremantle line from the city. A small oversight that had slipped my mind but of such importance to my planned trip! Deflated, daunted with such a huge and unfamiliar challenge required, I was almost at tears. Thank God I had sunglasses on so no-one could see my welled-up eyes.

A ride of defeat

Back on the return train, I called my friend and told her that I would have to cancel as I was currently in Rockingham! Telling her of my adventure and dilemma of not being able to not only navigate the large Perth train station bit the time it would take to do so just wasn’t worth the effort. She offered to meet me at Murdoch station, which I was semi familiar with and pick me up there. At least that way we could still have our catch up.

Now in the car with her, she offered to drive me down to Fremantle. I told her that I was not going to worry about it as the day had already been long and stressful enough. We enjoyed a lovely lunch together, along with her buying the book off me.

Rhian and I back on the train to go home, I was beginning to settle down after the mornings events.

Feeling a little relieved that I would at least be able to catch an earlier bus home and miss the school run, Rhian and I waited at the bus stop.

Picture of the head of seeing eye dog Rhian looking arround.

Ten or so minutes later, a transit guard came along and asked me which bus I was waiting for? Telling him the 282, he informed me that I had a forty-minute wait. Now getting confused once more, I replied that I thought the 282 ran twenty past the hour.

He confirmed that it wasn’t coming until ten past. With that information, I really felt deflated.

Not only did I completely muck up my train ride endeavour but now my intended early ride home was also bumbled. This hole public transport thing is simply too hard for me! Was my defeated mind talk.

A long trek home

After Rhian and I sat patiently sitting by ourselves, like a shag on a rock, with not a soul around us, eventually another passenger ventured down to our bus stop. Thank God I thought, at least I know somebody else is wanting to catch the same bus. Finally, a bus pulls up and the passenger asks the driver if they are stopping at the Kalamunda depot? With hearing his confirming answer, I confidently boarded my ride home.

Weary from my mentally challenging days events. I began to notice that glimpses of scenery weren’t familiar. My brain too tired to comprehend what was going on. Then I realised I was on the 283 which takes a different route.

Picture of Colleen happily looking down on seeing eye labrador Rhian woth her hand on his shoulder

Now I didn’t know where the bus was going to stop from where I needed to get off. Asking the driver some questions, I eventually got off the bus but with quite a long trek home.

Feeling absolutely shattered both physically and mentally, of which I am sure Rhian felt the same way, we were both glad to be back home. When my husband came home and asked how my day went, my simple answer was “I don’t like catching public transport anymore.”

Moral of my story

This story of my planned exciting adventure of independence, is not to tell you that catching public transport with a vision deficit is a difficult and arduous task to do. There are plenty of blind people catching transport regularly and with ease.

My lesson here is that if I had used some patience and waited for a sighted person to go with me and familiarise my planned route with Rhian, then things would have been different.

A little forward planning goes a long way when you can’t see where you are going! One day I will endeavour to try this again but with somebody by myside to orientate me, along with Rhian being familiarised with a new route to remember.

My one consolation was that I had my bestie and closest confidant giving me comfort and a sense of security, by myside the entire day through. Thank you Rhian.

Thankyou for joining me and reading my Peacock Tale.
I look forward to being with you again very soon sharing stories and insights about my life.

Next blog I will be writing about is when I was asked a very profound and soul enquiring question. Do I feel the same person that I was before I lost my sight?

Colleen Ashby smiling through a bunch of peacock feathers

No regrets
Colleen Ashby

@seeing-eye dogs Australia
@Vision Australia

What's a book launch like for a legally blind heart transplant survivor? Colleen Ashby writes about her exciting first book launch.

March 20th 2021 was a day that will stay in my memory for the rest of my life for sure. The fruition of completing my first book ‘I can see clearly now’ and time for the big reveal with an amazing book launch.

Always being one to do things in style and to the best of my ability, I planned it at the Harry Perkins Medical Centre at Fiona Stanley Hospital.

Image of Colleen Ashboy Book Cover - I can See Clearly Now, click to go to the full description.

I thought this to be a fitting venue as it was my Heart Transplant done here that opened my life in ways I could never have expected.

A blind mistake of venues

After a near catastrophic mistake with a misunderstanding to which hospital the Harry Perkins Centre was at, a mistake on my part that comes with not being able to see where you are, we managed with some swift and quick thinking plans to be set in motion with only two days to spare.

Photo of the lobby with lots of people before the book launch of a Blind heart transplant recipient. Colleen Ashby

Talk about the eleventh hour, now I know what it feels like as panic rises rapidly and don’t particularly want to experience it again! Luckily as the saying goes ‘I love it when a plan comes together, and it came together smoothly and quite effortlessly I must say.

Blind and overwhelmed

The sound of bustling people filling the auditorium with the heightening volume of the guest’s excited chatter filled the room. Music playing as I walked in with Rhian by my side was quite overwhelming as applause began but no sight of the guests before me.

Chris Thomas, CEO of Transplant Australia flew over from Sydney to launch my book, along with Ron Hooten, CEO of Vision Australia via a zoom link from Melbourne.

The next hour went by in a flash with three songs from my book chapter titles being sung by a live performer throughout the event. “Isn’t she lovely” by Stevie Wonder, “At last” Eta James and of course “I can see clearly now” by Johnny Nash were the selected tunes to create a beautiful vibe.

Understanding the meaning of a second chance of life

A Q and A with Claudette Pope, editor of Footprints Publishing met a lot of belly laughter and enjoyment to the answers I gave of anecdotes of things that have occurred since transplant and becoming legally blind.

Ron Hooten then said some inspiring words of my achievements over the past few years as a Vision Australia client.

Editor Claudette Pope and Colleen hugging on stage at the book launch.

A genuine feeling of love was experienced by everyone in the auditorium as other transplant recipients, friends and family all understood what the immense impact of a second chance of life meant.

How many extra years of gifted life were in the room?

Photo Chris Thomas going around the room adding up how many extra years of gifted life were there. - Colleen Ashby

Chris Thomas went around the room asking how many years post-transplant, recipients were.

Then accumulated the years together. An extra one hundred and two years of life had been gifted in the room.

It is a humbling exercise to be part of, knowing that none of these people would be here, if not for the donor and their family donating the gift of life supported by Donate Life.

Challenges of a heart transplant

The Words from Dr Amit Shar, senior cardiology consultant and Clare Fazackerley, clinical nurse practitioner, had people inspired and in tears at the same time, as the magnitude of challenges met along my journey was revealed.

Very few people ever knew about the depth or seriousness of my heart situation. The general feedback from people was that one minute they were crying, then the next filled with laughter. What a perfect blend of emotions.

Finding your life passion

Colleen interacting with the audience knowing she was in her heartfelt joy of inspiring people. Colleen Ashby

Up there on stage, I was in my element. Engaging with the audience, entertaining them with anecdotes of humorous encounters I have had along the way with no sight.

I knew that was always my joy and passion, inspiring people and having a laugh with them at the same time. I was beaming inside and loved it!

Can a blind person sign books?

Time to sign some books.

Sitting down at the table the buzz and crowd hovering around me was incredibly hard to take in, especially as I have only a fraction of sight and can’t see anything in front or to the left of me at all.

You may be wondering how I sign books. Once I put my pen on the page by feeling, I simply write.

Colleens Ashby signing the Book I Can See Clearly Now

The only fall back is that I have to have quiet and no interruption during this process. As I sound out the letters in my head as I write them, everything is great.

If I am interrupted however, I lose where I am up to and can’t read what I have already written, nor can I work out where to place my pen again. I can though quite successfully write messages in books for people.

Fame as a blind heart transplant survivor

Feeling like a famous movie star as people not only waited in line to have a signature but simply to say hello and some also wanted photos taken with me.

Now I understand how fame can be intoxicating and give you a high that takes days to come down from! I was on cloud nine for at least three days after and had a buzz in me that couldn’t be dulled.

The feeling I experienced that day of knowing this was my true passion and living in my heart space of boundless energy is a memory I often use to recall joy and love when meditating.

I felt vibrant and alive and knew then I was definitely on my souls true path. What an amazing gift I was given from not only my new heart but losing my sight as well.

Picture of Colleens Book I Can See Clearly Now
Colleen laughing as part of the audience at the book launch.
Colleen with friends at Book Launch I can see clearly now

Funny, down-to-earth, harrowing and at times, utterly heartbreaking. 'I Can See Clearly Now' is the rollercoaster ride of a woman who continues to defy expectations.

Memoir: ‘I Can See Clearly Now – the soundtrack of my life’ by Colleen Ashby

Type 1 diabetic, fitness fanatic, dancing queen, Canasta champion; only some of the tags to describe Colleen Ashby. Daughter, sister to five brothers, wife and mother of three sons further define Colleen.

Add to that, she is a heart transplant recipient who is now visually impaired, with only 5% sight and you realise there is much more to learn.

Although very physically fit, problems with her heart began to plague her and slow her down. Twelve stents later, the thirteenth was unlucky and resulted in open heart surgery.

Book cover of Colleen Ashbys book I can see clearly now. Eyes in the sky with a girl running through the field.

It was soon obvious however; her heart was not going to last much longer and Colleen was given a new heart but her sight was taken away. Due to severe blood loss during the surgery, Colleen lost 95% of her vision. She is grateful she still has 5%.

“I’d have been really pissed off if I’d lost it all but 5%? I can cope” – Colleen Ashby.

With a bucketful of hope, perseverance, gratitude and the unwavering support of friends and family, Colleen has navigated her new normal, discovering what makes her tick and what her purpose in life is.
Funny, down-to-earth, harrowing and at times, heartbreaking, ‘I Can See Clearly Now’ is the rollercoaster ride of a woman who continues to defy expectations.

Colleen Ashby Profile Picture for Blog Bio

Colleen lives in the Perth Hills, in Western Australia. A former high school special-needs educational assistant and fitness instructor; she is also a type 1 diabetic.

With her heart failing, Colleen was finally put on the transplant list and had a heart transplant in January 2017. It wasn’t something normally offered to type 1 diabetics. While she gained a new heart, Colleen lost 95% of her sight. This hasn't stopped her indomitable spirit or living life to its fullest.

She is an advocate for DonateLife WA, has been a ‘poster-girl’ for Vision Australia, a participant in the Transplant Games and an avid supporter of Transplant Australia.

Colleen is sharing her story of resilience in the hope it will help, inspire and encourage people to appreciate what they have and what they can achieve. With her experience, knowledge and zest for life, Colleen wants to be a mentor and motivational speaker.

Colleen is available for interviews and informal chats on all media outlets.

To schedule, please contact us on

or call Claudette Pope on 08 92952192

About Footprints Publishing Pty Ltd

Footprints is a start-up company based in Perth, Western Australia.

The company started with the intention to demystify the publishing journey for prospective writers. The realisation that few writers knew what was involved in getting their manuscript to being a book was the driver to personalise the process and take authors on their journey from origin to destination.

While memoirs, women’s fiction and children’s books feature in Footprints publishing to date, engaging stories from other genres are considered; it’s all about the story.

How would you feel if you were declared legally blind? Would you be able to laugh? Following heart transplant surgery, this is what happened to Colleen Ashby and yes, she does see the funny side of life.

Book Release - Perth 17.05.2022

How would you feel if you were declared legally blind? Would you be able to laugh, could you see the funny side of life?

Following heart transplant surgery, this is what happened to Colleen Ashby and yes, she does see the funny side of life.

In this, her second book, Colleen keeps us entertained with anecdotes full of humour and quirky incidents. In an entertaining way, she also educates us, giving the reader food for thought, advice on how to behave around people with limited vision.

When launching Ya Gotta Laugh Ron Hooten, the CEO of Vision Australia, described Colleen’s writing as gritty, honest and laugh out loud. He declared it a great read.

Colleen Ashby Ya Gotta Laugh. Book Cover with Colleen through peacock feathers laughing.

Little more than a year ago, Colleen released her first book I Can See Clearly Now, telling her life story in its raw truth and honesty relaying day-to-day experiences, along with a few obstacles she has had to deal with; Type 1 diabetes since age 9, leading a very active life until the pivotal point which changed her life’s trajectory, a heart transplant. With her new heart not wanting to start up, she hovered between life and death for 4 days. Waking up on day 5 she was legally blind.

Colleen admits she has had my moments when life got her down and thought it was all too hard but knew if she stayed in that state of mind, it would soon become her way of life. As she said, ‘It’s OK to visit feeling down for a while and have a cup of tea, just don’t make it your home.’

Ya Gotta Laugh is an easy read, you feel you are you are sitting on a couch talking with her as she has you laughing, crying, and inspired at the same time. Colleen wants to uplift and inspire people with her words both written and spoken. She wants to show people, even facing adversity, there is a way of having a fulfilling, fun-filled life, a life of wholeness and meaning.

The paperback is available, from Footprints Publishing priced $35.00, and will soon be available as an eBook and Print on Demand, through all major online retailers.

Click this link to Buy
from my local stockist

Click this link to buy
from the Amazon website

Colleen is available for interviews and informal chats on all media outlets.

To schedule, please contact us on

or call Claudette Pope on 08 92952192

About Footprints Publishing Pty Ltd

Footprints is a start-up company based in Perth, Western Australia.

The company started with the intention to demystify the publishing journey for prospective writers. The realisation that few writers knew what was involved in getting their manuscript to being a book was the driver to personalise the process and take authors on their journey from origin to destination.

While memoirs, women’s fiction and children’s books feature in Footprints publishing to date, engaging stories from other genres are considered; it’s all about the story.

In my very first blog I explain why its a gift to be a heart transplant survivor, and where my journey has taken me so far.

I feel the best way of engaging in any new story or relationship is to start at the very beginning. Since I am wanting to create a relationship with you my fellow travellers of life and will do so through telling my stories or tales to you, then this is indeed the appropriate place to start.

The reason I call it the birth of a new journey is for me extremely appropriate I feel. They say that the very first sign of a new life is the heartbeat. From this divine heart space, the formation of life begins.

How my heart transplant journey began

Not only was my old heart taken out of my body but the new life-giving pump I received to replace it, would not begin to work. It sat silent and still in my body for more than two days.

Miraculously my new heart decided to birth me into my second chance of life, much to the relief of my loved ones waiting anxiously by my bedside during these intense times. when I eventually woke from my close encounter with death, I too was incredibly grateful for all the team had done to keep me alive.

Colleen‘s heart transplant badge 174. Hart transplant recipients in Western Australia received a badge of the number Transplant they were since Perth began doing them.

The gift of my journey

For many transplant recipients, the gift of life is a life affirming experience as you are given a second chance of living. Gratitude is not enough to express what not only the recipient but their families, friends and loved ones feel. The opportunity to have more time to spend together.

A chance to continue doing the things they love to do and create wonderful memories for years to come. Even with this amazing gift however life usually continues on its old familiar way. For me though this was not to be.

Through the topsy turvy events that occurred over the four-day roller coaster ride hovering between life and death of my heart transplant, I woke up legally blind. Life certainly went on for me but in a new and unfamiliar way as I navigated my new norm as part of the blind community. With determination and a verve for this new life I was gifted with, so many new experiences flooded my way.

Can you swim as a blind heart transplant survivor?

Finding swimming as a new passion after twenty years, the challenge of competing in the Australian Transplant Games and going on a television show were just a few of the wonderful new opportunities that came my way.

Oh, and I mustn’t forget one of my main catalysts for keeping me mentally in good stead, my introduction to yoga. While fantastic for calming and centring the mind and body, a few good laughs during the dog were had. Laughing is also essential for good health!

If I hadn’t had lost my sight, my life would have just returned to the way things were before, of which, I am sure. I do feel I was given an extra special gift and that was to engage on a brand-new journey in life.

Can you write a book as a blind heart transplant survivor?

There is no way I would have written two books, created my own website and decided to blog and share my stories with people if I still had my sight and continued along the same old hum drum way of living. I could never have imagined my life travelling down this path I am on now, nor would I have spiritually and personally grown the way I have over these past five years.

If it were not for the precious gift of the donor and their family, I wouldn’t be here today. My sons wouldn’t have a mother, my husband his wife and my mother her only daughter.

Thanks to the selfless gift of the donors and their families, thousands of people have the chance to spend more time with their loved ones and share in the magic of life again and the donor lives on in so many people.

Please help Transplant Australia

You can help save up to eight lives by simply taking one minute to register to become an organ donor. The opportunity to give the most precious gift you could ever offer.

Please click on the link below to register and become a life saver or share the message with as many people as you can to help donate and save lives.

To register to be an organ and tissue donor, please go to

Or visit the website for more information.


Special guest Colleen Ashby comes on the show to talk to us about her life with Seeing Eye Dog Xian, her story and the book she's written and had published.

Seeing Eye Dogs handler Colleen published her book I Can See Clearly Now: The Soundtrack of My Life in 2021. It's now available on the Vision Australia Library in DAISY audio, on Audible as an audio book, on Booktopia as an eBook or audio book, or Amazon as a paperback.

In the book Colleen talks about her life from getting her heart transplant and losing her vision, to getting Xian to achieving her swimming goals. She shares some of her story with us on this show, but read her book for the whole story!

If you'd like to find out more about Seeing Eye Dogs head to our Click to visit Vision Australia:

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